Posts Tagged ‘Software’

Do you like typog­ra­phy? Are you tired of ragged right text? Do you have a Word­Press blog? Go here now! wp-Typography is the merger of wp-Typogrify and, more impor­tantly, wp-Hyphenate. I do LaTeX type­set­ting, and as a result, I’ve acquired an appre­ci­a­tion for prop­erly for­mat­ted text. If you ever tried using the CSS prop­erty text-align, you inevitably are dis­ap­pointed with the results because it resem­bles noth­ing like what LaTeX can pro­duce. You often have to make your text eye-jarringly wide to make it use­able, and that doesn’t always work. This is because the browser lacks built-in sup­port for hyphen­ation. This plu­gin makes up for this browser defi­ciency by insert­ing hyphen­ation hints, known as soft-hyphens, which the browser does under­stand. The algo­rithm is based on the one used in TeX to boot! Brilliant!

I helped deploy a Magento store today, but the client did not have all the prod­ucts entered in the data­base, and won’t be ready to launch that part of the site for another month. So they wanted a “Com­ing Soon!” splash page to be at the sub­di­rec­tory where the store is and pass­word pro­tect every­thing else. To do that I had to recon­fig­ure the .htac­cess file.


I was a big fan of Tril­lian because dur­ing my 15 year his­tory of using the internet—it’s even longer if you count my bulletin-board days—I’ve acquired mul­ti­ple IM accounts from dif­fer­ent providers. I’m in the process of tran­si­tion­ing my mul­ti­ple com­put­ers away from pro­pri­etary OSes that aren’t nec­es­sar­ily worth the money spent. (That’s not to say there aren’t OSes worth pay­ing for.) How­ever, since Tril­lian is plat­form depen­dent, it was out. I needed a multi-network IM client that would work on mul­ti­ple plat­forms. Enter Pid­gin. It fit all my needs, except…


So I was skim­ming through the lat­est EGM (Issue 210), when lo and behold, I come across a pre­view about Cross­fire. Along with Army of Two and Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, this trio of games make-up the genre of buddy games. With all the advances in tech­nol­ogy the gam­ing indus­try pro­duces year after year, it floors me that it took them this long to pro­duce games that are coöper­a­tive by design, where the single-player mode is the alter­na­tive rather than the default. Unfor­tu­nately in this ini­tial release, the num­ber of play­ers are lim­ited to two. My gam­ing bud­dies and I would love to have more coöper­a­tive, adventure/action games. At least this bud­ding genre gives me hope.