Posts Tagged ‘IRV’

Novem­ber is rolling around once again for midterm elec­tions. 6 years of Repub­li­can “lead­er­ship” has really grated on my nerves. Is it too early to say, “I told you so?”

If there’s any­thing the last two pres­i­den­tial elec­tions have shown me, is that there’s a need for elec­tion reform because the cur­rent sys­tem does not result in a gov­ern­ment rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the vot­ing pub­lic. Crit­ics of alter­na­tive elec­toral sys­tems have stated that they’re too com­pli­cated to under­stand. They must really think peo­ple are stu­pid. Granted that may well be but not so much that they can’t under­stand other elec­toral sys­tems. So let me shed a lit­tle light.
