Posts Tagged ‘How To’

The users for one of my clients started com­plain­ing about not being able to use the Out of Office Assis­tant for Out­look 2007. They recently upgraded to Office 2007 from Office XP. This was after they upgraded to Exchange 2007 about 6 months prior. I did not do the ini­tial setup for Exchange 2007 and the other server upgrades, but I’ve been com­ing in now and again to cleanup problems.


My favorite jQuery plu­gin by far has to be the jQuery Cycle Plu­gin. It’s a generic slideshow plu­gin, but it’s ver­sa­tile enough that I’ve used it to build a slider, a port­fo­lio, and just recently, an iPhoto-like image flip­per. This was inspired from the CJ Image Flip­Box. Unfor­tu­nately, the way the plu­gin is designed, you can’t mesh it with Fan­cy­box because the plu­gin cre­ates an anchor and an image which inter­cept the mouseclicks pre­vent­ing the Fan­cy­box from acti­vat­ing. So to get around the prob­lem, I used the Cycle plu­gin to cre­ate my own.


I like to use my iPhone for view­ing pod­casts. How­ever, man­ag­ing them through iTunes leaves much to be desired because some pod­casts I like to view and then trash them, while oth­ers I like to archive and have synced at all times. iTunes does not have an obvi­ous way to set this up.


The last cou­ple of week­ends I tin­kered with the gOS 2.0 beta. It def­i­nitely looks bet­ter than the pre­vi­ous iter­a­tion. The gianor­mous icons were just way too big for a res­o­lu­tion of 1024×768. This will def­i­nitely make a more appeal­ing inter­net appli­ance for my guests than my pre­vi­ous box. To make it login auto­mat­i­cally as a guest user took a bit of work, though, since this capa­bil­ity was not part of the ini­tial install.
