Posts Tagged ‘Hacking’

MyGoogleCal2 no longer works 100% in Inter­net Explorer. A run­time error occurs when nav­i­gat­ing month-to-month or when switch­ing to Agenda mode. The workaround is to sim­ply hide the nav­i­ga­tion inter­face. Now, I don’t know if this bug was intro­duced when Google updated the code last month, or if it’s always been there and I just never noticed. In any case, the run­time error occurs when //""/calendar is replaced by // Given the poor debug­ging avail­able in IE, I didn’t get very far with fig­ur­ing out why IE breaks. I sus­pect that when IE makes an Xml­HttpRe­quest, it’s dou­ble check­ing that the request URL matches up with the server host, or some­thing to that effect. Since Google obfus­cates the Javascript code, it’s just way too hard to try and fix it. Instead, I’ve opted to cre­ate a new ver­sion of MyGoogle­Cal that uses the orig­i­nal tech­nique for IE but uses the tech­nique from MyGoogleCal2 for all other browsers.


One of my read­ers asked for a step-by-step set of instruc­tions to install MyGoogleCal2.php. My orig­i­nal posts for restyling Google Cal­en­dar did assume a cer­tain level of exper­tise. This should hope­fully help those who are still confused.


I watch animé. That, Lego blocks, and video games are the three child­hood vices I never out­grew. It’s just that my hob­bies have matured along with me. I now pre­fer games that are rated M even though I still enjoy those that are rated E. I now pre­fer Tech­nic sets over LEGOLAND Space sets. I now pre­fer animé that deal with mature themes (e.g. Say­onara Zetsubou Sen­sei, Seirei no Moribito) over those that are juve­nile (Poke­mon). I wish more ani­mated shows in the US were more like those from Japan.


Did you restyle your embed­ded Google Cal­en­dar using MyGoogle­Cal? Maybe you’ve restyled Google Cal­en­dar Gad­get by fol­low­ing my instruc­tions to mod­ify the XML con­fig­u­ra­tion? Do you want to show off how you inte­grated your cal­en­dar into your site? Just leave a URL com­ment with a link to your web site.