November 1st, 2008
Tags: Personal
So yesterday (Friday), my job and my part-time freelance contract both ended at the same time. The publisher I worked for finally succumbed to the economic pressures of the credit freeze after having made a poor investment. It’s sad too, because the company was finally heading into the black after having a major dip in sales post-9/11. Unfortunately, the bank was threatening to call in the loan unless drastic measures were taken to curb the spending and to get some cash. So myself and another coworker were let go, and the company will be liquidating some assets.
Now, I’m just one among the many listed in those dismal unemployment numbers you hear during the evening news. Thank goodness I got that part-time job to give me some cash to float on. Unfortunately, that means some of my planned purchases will be delayed. I’ll be spending part of this weekend brushing up my resumé and reading about unemployment claims.
October 15th, 2008
Tags: Apple, Comparison, Macbook, Technology
I’m in the market for a new laptop and I purposefully waited for the new MacBooks to be released. I priced out a Dell XPS M1330 and once the features are matched up as close as I can make them, there’s a $60 price difference in favor of the Dell. $1599 vs $1533. The MacBook comes out ahead in GPU, FSB, and operating system (OS X > Vista because of Unix) and the Dell comes out ahead in terms of connectors (HDMI, Firewire, card reader, ExpressCard slot, etc.). I tried to configure a comparable Ubuntu machine, but the processor speed is fixed at 2.0 GHz and easily went over compared to the $1299 MacBook. The only competitor now is a late model 15″ MacBook Pro which for refurb starts at $1349—a very tasty price indeed. The MBP matches the advantages of the m1330 and has a better GPU, screen size, and resolution than the new MacBook. How much better is the GPU? Let’s see.
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August 24th, 2008
Tags: Olympics, Sports
The Olympics are over. However during, it annoyed me how the media outlets ranked the medal totals either counting total medals or counting total golds. Neither option accounts for the relative values of the medals. The former treats all medals as equal, whereas the former disregards the value of the other two medal colors. As others have proposed, a weighted medal count makes the most sense, the simplest being gold = 3, silver = 2, and bronze = 1. With that the top five rankings are as follows:
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August 17th, 2008
Tags: Apple, How To, iPhone, iTunes, Technology
I like to use my iPhone for viewing podcasts. However, managing them through iTunes leaves much to be desired because some podcasts I like to view and then trash them, while others I like to archive and have synced at all times. iTunes does not have an obvious way to set this up.
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