I’ve never been a huge fan of MMOs. From a gamer’s per­spec­tive, the whole idea of a game with­out end is great in the­ory (like eat­ing pizza for the rest of your life), but sucks in prac­tice. That’s not to say it’s bad from the publisher’s point of view. In fact it’s quite lucra­tive. With­out an end (goal), there’s very lit­tle sense of accom­plish­ment built into MMOs. There’s no pay­off in the form of end-game cred­its and cutscenes for the time and money invested. So the player is forced to set goals for them­selves within the lim­its of the game. For example…

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Putting up a site for my posse was always on the back burner. Odd since my cur­rent pro­fes­sion is web devel­op­ment, one would think such a cre­ation would be birthed sooner than later. Yet as stu­dious, hard-working, cre­ative, and focused as the four of us can be, our nat­ural ten­dency is towards lazi­ness. Many an anec­dote will attest to that. Not that lazi­ness is a bad thing. Get­ting the most out of the least effort is noth­ing short of being effi­cient. And we should all strive to be more effi­cient. So in spite of said lazi­ness (and a need to jus­tify a siz­able expen­di­ture for a host­ing plan) I built our­selves a soap­box. So it begins…