Grats to the Giants. Grats to Eli. I’m glad to see you’ve come into your own. Too bad MVP is an indi­vid­ual award since the NY defen­sive line kicked ass. Belichick, you’re an ass. You snubbed Pey­ton and you ignored Eli and left early. Learn not to be a sore loser. Long live the 72 Dolphin’s per­fect sea­son. I miss you Shula.

OK the move is more or less com­plete. I even went ahead and upgraded to the lat­est Word­Press ver­sion. The site runs so much faster now thanks to the new server hard­ware. One of my non-crucial WP plu­g­ins did not work after the upgrade. No big­gie. Any way, if any­one notices a bug with the site, let me know and I’ll try to have it resolved ASAP. Com­ments have been re-enabled.

I recently received noti­fi­ca­tion that my new host­ing account is ready, so I’ve closed com­ments on the blog dur­ing the move. Hope­fully it won’t take too long.

The last cou­ple of week­ends I tin­kered with the gOS 2.0 beta. It def­i­nitely looks bet­ter than the pre­vi­ous iter­a­tion. The gianor­mous icons were just way too big for a res­o­lu­tion of 1024×768. This will def­i­nitely make a more appeal­ing inter­net appli­ance for my guests than my pre­vi­ous box. To make it login auto­mat­i­cally as a guest user took a bit of work, though, since this capa­bil­ity was not part of the ini­tial install.

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