Do you need paid sup­port for MyGoogle­Cal? Whether it’s instal­la­tion, restyling, or a cus­tom fea­ture, there’s no bet­ter choice than hav­ing the script author help you.

Are you a web designer that needs help imple­ment­ing your design? I spe­cial­ize in tak­ing design comps and mak­ing pixel-perfect repro­duc­tions. Noth­ing pleases a web designer more than see­ing his or her vision accu­rately repro­duced in HTML.

Are you a fel­low web devel­oper that could use a hand? I have 15 years of expe­ri­ence of fron­tend and back­end devel­op­ment in mul­ti­ple lan­guages and frameworks.

Do you have a web project that my exper­tise can bring to life?

You can view my port­fo­lio and the rest of the site to see sam­ples of my work. I’m will­ing to work hourly or nego­ti­ate a flat fee. My rates are rea­son­able. Please fill out the form below with a descrip­tion of what you need done. You can include a phone num­ber for ref­er­ence, but I tend to con­duct most of my busi­ness via email.

Con­tact me



- Why ask? To con­firm you’re a per­son