I watch animé. That, Lego blocks, and video games are the three childhood vices I never outgrew. It’s just that my hobbies have matured along with me. I now prefer games that are rated M even though I still enjoy those that are rated E. I now prefer Technic sets over LEGOLAND Space sets. I now prefer animé that deal with mature themes (e.g. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Seirei no Moribito) over those that are juvenile (Pokemon). I wish more animated shows in the US were more like those from Japan.
Most US animated features are just derivatives of live action sitcoms (The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.) or purposefully aim at a younger audience as a means to market toys. That’s not to say the Japanese don’t do it. You only have to look as far as Bandai and Gundam to see they do it too, but at least some of the series they’ve produced aren’t dumbed down and actually have recognizable (if not Oscar-caliber) character and plot development (Gundam 00, Gundam 0080, etc.). Which is why I applaud Warner Brothers for taking a queue from Japan, when they produced Animaniacs and the more recent DC Comics series. It doesn’t hurt to put some smarts into your shows. Same goes for Pixar. Nickolodeon takes the crown, though, for their epic series Avatar: The Last Airbender. It’s appealing to adults the same reason Harry Potter is; it’s just good old fashioned storytelling. Not since The Mysterious Cities of Gold has Nick had such a great show. To put things in perspective, it was 15 years from when MCoG ended to when Avatar started, and MCoG originally began airing in 1982!
In any case, even though I do prefer smarter, more mature animated features, I do occasionally watch shows that don’t fit in that category. For example, I’ve watched Kanon 2006 and I’m currently watching Clannad and Shakugan no Shana. They have a high level of production. I’m also in the middle of Spice and Wolf (English). It’s something to watch as the winter season winds down and until the spring season starts. It doesn’t hurt that the characterization of the female protagonist appeals to me—sassy and smart. Plus being a wolf goddess and cute, I was inspired to turn her into a Firefox icon—a small piece of functional fanart. It gave me a chance to flex my (meager) Photoshop skills. Those who watch the show will recognize Horo from the ending credits where she’s hugging a giant apple. After making the icon and I can’t help but think that a complete Spice and Wolf Firefox theme would be kind of cool, or perhaps a full Gnome/KDE theme. Maybe someone can take this icon and run with it. The zip file contains .png icons at various sizes and should be compatible with Gnome and KDE. I don’t feel like making an .ico file for Windows. A Photoshop 7.0 file is included. The file can be imported into The GIMP, but you’ll need to adjust the saturation of the top layer to something between 60 and 80 to match the Photoshop setting of 40.
Thx a million
its awesome
Absolutely brilliant!
Seriously, this is the best avatar I’ve seen in ages xD